
28 Days Later Movie Summary
28 days later movie summary

28 days later movie summary

Many characters are killed. It has extreme and graphic peril and violence. Parents need to know that 28 Days Later is very scary and deeply disturbing.

28 days later movie summary

Floating in the mind of 28 Days Later are lasting cultural artefacts passed around or hotly discussed in British school playgrounds for decades: the novels of John Wyndham (the waking-up-in-a-deserted-hospital bit is a nod to Day Of The Triffids) and James Herbert (one scene hinges on a flood of rats) or the science shock TV series Doomwatch (don't trust the labcoats!) and Survivors (if everyone's dead, what's the point in surviving?).Depopulated London, stunningly achieved by snatched digi-cam shots of empty streets and abandoned landmarks, with minimal CG employed, is a resonant location. Once there the film moves toward its central plot twist (MAJOR SPOILER): the.For a start, they invoke the specifically British roots of this genre. Latest pseudo zombie, science-fiction action thriller 28 Days Later. First and foremost: Im struggling by far to make sense of Susannah Grant.

28 days later movie summary

Any film as rough-edged as this flirts with seeming amateurism, while the third act not only borrows almost wholesale from Romero's Day Of The Dead but hammers home the message about man's inherent inner rage a bit too forcefully. But it also pulls daring tricks with speeded-up motion and blobby bloodbursts to make the horror sequences genuinely jarring in a manner that marks a break with the more traditional effects style of, say, Dog Soldiers.There is also room for the subtle, character-based chill: the scariest line is Eccleston's whispered, "Slow down," a pregnant phrase overheard just as we realise how bad things really are.If you look for flaws, they're there. It even falls back on the essay topics of The Beach, as alternative society turns out to be flawed by reliance on brutality and vulnerable to sudden shark/zombie attacks.Shot with Dogme-like camcorder veracity by Anthony Dod Mantle, the film has space for lyricism as the survivors briefly make it as happy campers in green, damp countryside.

28 days later movie summary